When we first approached Breanna (Zink) Vandenberg of Buzz Salon 4 years ago about helping with our Bald is the New Beautiful head shaving event, she didn’t hesitate before saying YES!  And every year since, Buzz Salon and their great stylists have volunteered their amazing talents at our annual event. It is because of their strong commitment to the Red Shamrock Foundation that our unique event has grown bigger and better every year. You can find more information about our friends from Buzz Salon at http://www.buzz-salon.com/. Or better yet, come visit their modern digs in person on the main floor and mezzanine of the sleek glass Park@201 building in downtown Iowa City onSeptember 30th for our 4th Annual Bald is the New Beautiful event!

Buzz Salon was voted Salon of the Year 2015

Katie Voss

Katie Voss has blogged 160 posts